Singing & Speaking as a Profession
The artistic voice - Let go to let in
For those who choose the voice as an artistic profession, the term vagusonar is probably new. But not the "classical vocal approach", which in singing or speaking brings together the sound waves in the body in such a way that the named registers of chest and head voice find a register mixture in a whole-body sense. This resulting floating sound effect is more serious in singing, because here the sounding breath must be kept in balance particularly intensively.
A wealth of literature and a multitude of singing teachers are ready to support anyone who chooses this complex path: metaphors and analogies help with the necessary tone imagination, YouTube channels for online courses and public master classes provide inspiration, at least initially.
Universities and theatres are flooded with hopeful singing and acting students from all over the world. Most of them present a fresh, well-carrying and natural voice in the entrance exam. Some of them are already well-established and work according to their natural abilities. Their eyes shine, and the initially somewhat shy impression changes during the aptitude test into a fresh, curious and self-confident expression:
Look – here I sing (or speak) and I don’t want it any other way!
This unconditionality is required of those who decide to take an entrance exam for the professional fields of artistic singing or acting. A healthy sense of self-worth, combined with the feeling of special talent, love for one's own voice, resilience and coherence in balanced interaction. In addition, an individual vocal colouring that – at least one day – will be able to reach the innermost parts of the audience. Not to mention excellent concentration and learning skills. Thus, the highly motivated and expectant candidates are bombarded with countless ingredients that are unfortunately capable of transforming the upright, hopeful initial attitude into intimidated, unmanageable expectations.
Can this go well? ...